Tuesday, 2 March 2010

How does the editing in the castaway trailer construct the meaning about the relationship between the characters?

Firstly we can see straight away that the director has used eye-line match on the gift that he has received from his wife, this shot is used to show the importance of this gift and how important it is to him. The shot last 3 seconds which is quite a long time for a eye-line match bringing it back to the importance of the gift. Also we can see that when he opens the compass there is a picture of his wife and the light shines right on to her face which connotes that she is his light and guides him as well as the compass. The compass is also a enigma code and could connote that something may happen later in the film and he may need the compass.
The next edit i will comment on is when he walks off to get on the plane and then suddenly there is a cutaway shot of the lightning and rain in the dark. This cutaway shot connotes that something bad may happen because darkness represents the bad.
Then shot quickly then changes to him on a plane with a eye mask on. This shot could connote that something bad may happen because no he has his eye mask on he has no-one to guide him and he is lost because his wife is not there.
The pilot then explains that the ride will get bumpy and the editing becomes almost a montage editing we can see this because the edits become fast and the camera shots are handheld and shaky to show disturbance.

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